How to uphold & visually demonstrate your commitment to ESG - Mining Software - Resource Governance & Technical Assurance -
Cómo mantener y demostrar visualmente su compromiso con la ESG

Cómo mantener y demostrar visualmente su compromiso con la ESG

ESG en la minería


¿Cómo se aplica la ASG a la industria minera?

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) is a term used by socially conscious investors to evaluate corporate behaviour and non-financial performance indicators which include approaches to sustainable, ethical and corporate governance issues. Due to the very nature of the metals and mining industry, ESG has long been a focus for governments, NGOs, industry bodies and wider society concerned by the environmental and social impacts of the extractives sector. Over recent years, these concerns have led to the introduction of wide-reaching and robust ESG-focused regulations, codes and principles that mining companies are now obliged and expected to observe.


Ejemplos de principios centrados en ESG


The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) is an international organisation focused on a safe, fair, and sustainable mining industry. ICMM developed 10 Mining Principles that their 27 member companies must meet for membership. These principles help investors access information on how companies manage environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. To demonstrate their ESG commitment, companies must adopt best practices and procedures. They must also enhance their monitoring and reporting. Additionally, they need to factor ESG considerations into their strategic decision-making.


Cómo mantener y demostrar visualmente su compromiso con la ESG


K2fly supports resource and energy teams globally with Rehabilitation and Closure and improves safety and reduces risk for Tailings Storage Facility monitoring. Our solution empowers clients to uphold and demonstrate their commitment to ESG and the ICMM Mining Principles. We built our solution to meet industry best practices and compliance requirements, such as the Investor Mining and Tailings Safety Initiative, the Global Tailings Portal, and ICMM. K2fly’s tailings management provides key data and insights to help you easily showcase your company’s commitment to ESG.


Key benefits of K2fly’s ESG Capabilities


  • Visually demonstrate your commitment to ESG & ICMM’s Mining Principles with our geospatial map, environmental monitoring, compliance, tailings, and stakeholder tools
  • Adherirse a las mejores prácticas y cumplir los requisitos del ICMM, el Global Tailings Portal, el PRI, el PNUMA y la Junta de Pensiones de la Iglesia de Inglaterra
  • Proteger los sitios del Patrimonio Mundial y las áreas legalmente designadas mediante la cartografía de las áreas de perturbación y no perturbación en el mapa geoespacial
  • Establecer, supervisar y medir los criterios de finalización del cierre de la mina a lo largo del tiempo, así como gestionar y hacer un seguimiento de los objetivos de planificación de la perturbación y la rehabilitación con respecto a su cumplimiento
  • Mantener y garantizar el cumplimiento de las normas captando información importante sobre las obligaciones, y abordar y gestionar los principales resultados.
  • Drive effective environmental monitoring to help minimise the environmental footprint of large-scale projects
  • Acceder a imágenes satelitales avanzadas y visualizarlas para demostrar el rendimiento antes y después del proyecto
  • Identificar, rastrear e informar sobre los perfiles de las partes interesadas y las métricas importantes de las partes interesadas, incluyendo la capacidad de resaltar las tendencias en los sentimientos y temas de las partes interesadas, y asignar acciones relacionadas a los miembros del equipo.
  • Impulse la gestión proactiva de los residuos con nuestra solución integral y funcionalmente rica en residuos


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