Natural Resource Governance Suite - Mining Software - Resource Governance & Technical Assurance - Enterprise SaaS

Natural Resource Governance Suite

Measure performance. Conform to regulations and standards. Enable transparency

Providing assurance that a company’s management of its natural resources is tightly aligned with operational-level activities and that the process is sustainably embedded across all aspects of the business from discovery to closure.

Visualise and interrogate critical data relating to land

Managing your licence to operate can be highly complex and, if not done correctly, can damage your reputation, affect stakeholder relationships and can impact surrounding environment and communities.

Our Natural Resource Governance Solutions

Manage your license to operate risk by enabling visibility of all engagements, approvals, obligations and agreements.
Improve compliance and provide visibility to reduce risks and manage your obligations.
Mejore la cesión, el seguimiento del cierre y la consecución de los objetivos de rehabilitación con nuestra solución.
Capture fácilmente el compromiso de las partes interesadas y de los custodios, las aprobaciones y las condiciones de los sitios patrimoniales con nuestra solución de mejores prácticas.
Solicite, apruebe, rastree, informe y presente fácilmente el cierre de sus permisos de alteración del suelo y compromisos de rehabilitación.
Addressing the multifaceted challenges of land management, access agreements, conducting assessments and gaining approvals.